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Sort data by date in d3.js

03 Apr 2014

How to sort data by date ?

I wanted to order data from a csv by date, and I didn't found a built-in function in d3. So after importing the data from the csv (or json as you want), here is what you do :

d3.csv('yourData.csv', function (error,data) {

    data.forEach(function (d) {

        d.Date = new Date(d["date"]);
        //I have a date column in my csv;
        d.DateNumber = d.Date.getDate();
        //I wanted to order them by day, but it's possible with month and year as well :
        // d.Date.getFullYear()+''+d.Date.getMonth() + '' +  d.Date.getDate() + '';
        d.DateNumber = parseInt(d.DateNumber);

    data.sort(function(a, b){
        return a.DateNumber - b.DateNumber //order them by the number and that's done !
